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It would be a cool idea to implement a sort of brewing type of thing, which could do a few things. A few examples I have thought of would to be a grog type thing for you as a player. This could enhance your damage taken by cogs, so reducing damage taken by cogs, or reduce the damage taken by cog turrrets. You could have another which increases your health for a short period of time. One that when applied could auto heal you for 2 mins or something. You could also create something that gives you that little bit more on a picaxe where for example you can break cog door in say 4 lesser hits or something. There’s many many more things i am sure people would love or like to be able to have as an option. If you agree with this, vote and have your say!!!

3 years ago

I can’t see this working well with the current gaemplay plan and tech tree. All of what you describe here can be done by getting some armour and upgrading your gear.

3 years ago