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TANKS : possible ways to build them#575

Tanks are planned for the game ! Which is awesome, and I’m very hyped for it. But I always think about how we’ll build them ;
So far, we’ve seen a prototype of a tank deploying from a garage module (see image). So I wonder, will it be something along the lines of the turrets and powerplants, where you craft a tank, and if a garage module is deployed, it’ll take it from the online storage and deploy it…? I would find that underwhelming and weird. I would love it if crafting a tank required a lot of effort, so that when you finally finish it, it feels like a real achievement. So, here’s what I’ve been thinking :

Tanks would require 3 different parts : the Chassis, the Hull and the Weapon. Each part would be crafted independently in a production station. After having produced one of each, you need to take them in your inventory. After this point, there are two options :

  • You need to go to a garage module, and equip your wrench : You can first place the chassis on the platform, then build the hull on top, and finally assemble the weapon. And there you go, you now have a fully working tank !
  • You assemble the tank essentially the same way than above, but you don’t need a module : you can do it anywhere you want in the wild. I assume this could lead to technical issues which is why I have the first option. You however still need a module if you want to keep it and save it from eruptions.

This would already feel very satisfying to see your tank slowly assemble. But, there’s more to it. (It’s me making this suggestion, what did you expect ?)

I think that tanks should have a very high degree of customization, in order to fit in everyone’s playstyle.
Each part would have different versions, with different stats and properties. You can choose what you want when crafting it, but you can also take multiple in your inventory and when assembling the part, you can scroll to select the one you want.
This would allow for so much combinations of parts, leading to so many different tanks possible. That way everyone could have the perfect tank for them !
It would also give a sense of progression to the tanks, as you would unlock different parts along the way.

Tanks would always have an integrated storage (something like 5 slots), where you put the coal and the weapon ammo. I think the tank weapons should use turret ammo, because it doesn’t require a new item and it would also make sense.
Tanks run on fuel : you need to keep the engine fed with coal. It uses 1 piece of coal every 15 seconds, so that’s 4 per minute. Meaning that with one stack of coal, a tank can run for 5 minutes. You can always keep more coal in your inventory to put some in the engine when needed, of course.
The speed would be faster than a walking player, but slower than a running one.

Alright, here’s the examples : a few part versions I’ve thought of ! (and feel free to comment more ideas if you have any !)

• The chassis (health and speed)

  • Normal chassis : normal health, normal speed
  • Light chassis : 25% less health, 25% more speed (Same coal consumption)
  • Heavy chassis : 25% more health, 25% less speed (Same coal consumption)

• The hull (special)

  • Reinforced hull : additional 25% health
  • Engine boost : augments speed and manoeuvrability by 50% for 20 seconds, uses 3 coal. has a 30 seconds cooldown after capacity ended
  • Extra seat : Allows for a player to sit in the back of the tank. They can use their weapons as normal
  • Explosive : explodes on death, causing huge damage in proximity. Can also detonate manually on a timer
  • Pistol turret : a mounted turret on the back that when activated, automatically shoots enemies for 20 seconds, and uses 3 coal. has a 30 seconds cooldown after capacity ended
  • Tesla coil : in accordance to #53, when activated, would destroy all incoming explosives (grenades, mortar shells…) before they can do damage to the tank, lasts for 20 seconds and uses 3 coal. has a 30 seconds cooldown
  • Drone carrier : two drones can be bound to the tank, just like to a player or a COG.
  • AI : the tank cannot be driven, it follows a player and automatically shoots at enemies.
  • Remote : the tank is connected with a 200m cable to the garage and is controlled using a gunner seat.
  • Elevated weapon : the weapon is elevated by a meter or more, so that you have a higher point of view. (might come with an additional 10% health)
  • Storage : the tank has a chest on the back that adds 20 inventory slots for a total of 25, with an additional 10% health
  • Worktable : The tank has a worktable on the back for on-field production, with an additional 10% health
  • Refinery worktable : The tank has a refinery worktable on the back for on-field refining, with an additional 10% health
  • Research worktable : The tank has a research worktable on the back, with an additional 10% health

• The weapon

  • Cannon (~mortar)
  • Gatling cannon
  • Sniper cannon
  • Shotgun cannon
  • Pistol cannon
  • And many more, when new weapons get added…
3 years ago

I’ve always thought that when it comes to vehicles, instead of just having a flat model to assemble it, the model is the just the door for the thing and all the production happens inside the drill ship where the player would normally walk

3 years ago

I really like the idea with the upgrades, but things like the back turrets i would change.
Instead of them beeing timed, they require power leading to an increased coal usage… like 1coal more when idle and 2 coal when tracking something (coal per 15s) (also anything more would get ridiculous high in sum)
And the assemble off site i would also not allow, I’m thinking that the tank garage features things like interior cranes to assist building it, but outside the parts would be simply too heavy. (And if it were possible why would you still waste resources for the garage anyways?)

3 years ago

I see what you mean, but having these turrets active at all time would be way too op. I forgot to say that there should be a cooldown too, I’ll add that.

3 years ago

I don’t know if you should be able to change the weapon of a tank once the tank is completed. It might be frustrating to have to build a new one just to change the weapon, but it might also make it quite op to be able to change the weapon however you like. What do you think ?

3 years ago

Would be really nice if weapons could be changed post-construction. Could even make it an uninterruptible action that takes several seconds to discourage swapping during combat, also requiring the wrench equipped.

Depending on how in-depth you’re willing to make vehicle customization, you could separate tracks, engines, chassis, armor and turret instead of just hull, chassis and weapon. Obviously depends on what the team’s stance is on complexity/simplicity. Speed could be engine power divided by weight, for example (with upper and possibly lower limits).

3 years ago

Another good way to make players able to change the weapon is to limit this ability to a garage module, so you can’t switch on a fight.

I’m always up for more complexity, but this might just be a little too much for most people. This whole system I’m suggesting isn’t even confirmed to be what they’re going to do !
But if they do something different, I might try modding my idea in. I’m still very much looking forward to how they’re gonna do it !

3 years ago

Im to lazy to read all of them

3 years ago
Merged A thought on how player tanks could work#1237
2 years ago
Changed the title from "TANKS : a possible way to build them" to "TANKS : possible ways to build them"
2 years ago

Turning this into a more general post.

The merged post above suggests an approach of stealing the tank and then upgrading/modifying it, as well as more autonomous features. Of course, I highly suggest giving it a read as well.

2 years ago
Merged Tiny, Player RC Controlled Recon tank#1241
2 years ago

Again, this one ^ is slightly different. I do suggest reading it.

2 years ago