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Automatic repair equipement#544


Would it be nice to have a piece of equipment you can build (like the scrap station) that repairs your drill and/or equipment on a slow but steady rate? I usually find it kinda tedious that, after a cog attack, I have to check the whole ship over and over again to see if there is damaged equipment.

So, if you build this piece of (internal?) equipment, it can have the following specifics (just thinking aloud here):
Tier 1: Manual operation: put in copper bars, coal and some powder (or use ship storage?) and it repairs the hull for 1% per second.
Tier 2: Automatic operation, resources from drill storage, requires coal, iron bars and crystals. Repairs hull and external equipment for 1% per second
Tier 3: Automatic operation, resources from drill storage, requires coal, titanium bars and diamonds. Repairs hull, external and internal equipment for 2% per second.

Keep up the good work, loving the game!

3 years ago

This sounds extremely OP. It should at least be a module with limited range, or something like this : #73

3 years ago

This could be a module that works underground only

3 years ago

I don’t see this necessarily as OP, since the alternative is you running around with repair kits doing a much better job (something damaged 80% takes 80 seconds to go back to 100% ;) Furthermore, it complicates resourcemanagement as a constant coal/metal burner requires planning and gives a bit of extra challenge.

Only working underground sounds nice to be honest!

3 years ago

I came here to suggest this. Also, +1 for the “only works underground” idea. That will keep the game balanced.

3 years ago

I agree with this idea. And yeah working only underground sounds good. Having to check whole ship after cog attack is very frustrating.

3 years ago

maybe a compromise would be some sort of item that shows an overview of the drill and highlights the damaged parts specifically?
so you can just pull it up, and instantly see what’s damaged, and by roughly how much. bonus points if once the scanner/radar module is in, it would work from a (not too far) distance away

3 years ago

Working only underground makes it even more OP. Plus, it would have to be a roof module in order to be able to be deployed underground. At least, for the time there isn’t any danger underground. If you can repair where there’s no danger at any time, it makes it all too easy.

As for the damage display, #10

3 years ago
Merged Repair Module#1023
3 years ago
Merged Module for repairing modules#1220
2 years ago
Changed the title from "Repair equipement" to "Automatic repair equipement"
2 years ago

Well, seems any other suggestion similar is just getting merged in here, I guess I’ll just leave mine as a comment (even though I feel like it’s different enough from this one that it should be separate).

As to the initial suggestion here, I don’t like the idea of it as equipment or module that only works underground. Defeats the point, imo.

Me, I suggest a drone repair module that dispatches a flying drone (similar to cog drones) that can be targeted and destroyed. Will slowly conduct repairs with module repair kits. Only has 1 inventory slot and so can carry only 1 stack and must return to its module to resupply. Can only conduct repairs from outside where it can be destroyed. It should be slow flying, allowing it to be easily hit.

Either by default or with an upgraded module, it has the ability to replace destroyed modules (maybe equipment, too, but that should definitely take an (additional) upgrade). It should have to follow all the same rules as a player: first it has to use one of the emergency replacement module kits, then it can replace the module, then doors/windows, and finally any exterior equipment if supported. Due to its 1 slot inventory, it has to do each in turn, returning to its own module to grab the next thing.

Destruction of the drone’s module causes the drone to stop functioning (because it can no longer receive orders) and self-destructs.

a year ago

I LOVE @Furyofthestars suggestion and way of doing it, I suggested in their discord something like a drone kind of like the mining drone ones but of course slower. I really hope they add some sort of early-mid maybe even late game auto repair drone, I really hate ‘repairing simulator”

6 months ago