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Warning for claiming a second drillship will turn the original drillship hostile#432


In one save, instead of going through the headache of upgrading our old drillship, we decided we could take this new one we’d conquered fairly intact that was already pretty well upgraded and we’d just transfer our storage across and use that.

What happened though was once the new ship was claimed, the original ship reverted back to the cogs and opened fire at us. The game doesn’t inform you that this will happen, which it probably ought to.

Maybe there’s a rethink of how this mechanic will work in future though? For instance, maybe the original drillship doesn’t revert to cog, but rather becomes dormant instead (similar to how it would do now if you took the guns and doors out beforehand). You could transfer your storage box loot. The ship won’t move anywhere, but next eruption however will destroy it, leaving the carcass if you wanted to return to salvage it.

3 years ago

The game does warn you. The archive is very clear on that point.

3 years ago

Maybe it does but I doubt most players are going plough through it to check. They’ll likely assume it’s ok as there’s no warning on the core.

I don’t particularly like how it goes back to cog though. It could go neutral, or self destruct in X minutes. It feels like there are better options.

3 years ago

I agree, leave it like a defeted one. Except let a cog patrole be able to claim it and then it’s theirs. Although I’d also like it to be remember until you defeat it.

3 years ago

so i used the G butoon to send my old one underground thinking: I could just use the G button again to send up the ship i wasnt inside then after i claimed my new ship i realised my mistake

3 years ago